17 January 2012

Sometimes I shake my head and wonder.....

People, are you all aware that every time you use the self service check out at the supermarket, you are putting someone else out of a job. And the supermarket doesn't even give you a discount for having to do all the work! Do we really want increased taxes to pay the welfare for all these people who will soon be out of work? When you are next in the supermarket, demand to be served by a human be...ing and send a message to the greedy bosses who only want to increase profits and raise the share price no matter what the consequences will be to their soon to be former employees. Thank you. Written and authorised by Don Davies on behalf of himself and the "l can't believe some of the stupid things l've seen since returning to my homeland" party.
Please feel free to comment.


  1. Couldn't agree more! Mind boggling to see people at these self serves when there are checkout chicks standing there twiddling there thumbs!

    1. Sorry that registered as anonymous. Wasn't responding to my google account

  2. Thanks Donald - I too refuse to use the self-serve check out lanes at my local supermarket. When they were first introduced one of the check-out girls offered to help me put my groceries through these new machines. I suggested it would be better for both of us if she got behind one of the numerous unattended registered and served me instead - I'd be happy and she would have done her job for the day. She looked at me strangely so I walked off shaking my head in wonder.

  3. I just wrote a thoughtful comment and it was swallowed up by ... I don't know what happened to it, but it disappeared - 3 times, no less.

    I guess I'm swimming against the tide - again. The last time I was in New Zealand, several years ago, I loved the self-checkouts! I love gadgets and I like doing things for myself. Just ask my husband. He'll tell you that I'm often way too independent. However, I still like human interaction and I do enjoy the chit-chat at the checkout and in other situations.

    I hadn't looked at the self-checkout as costing people their jobs, though. BUT, what's wrong with businesses trying to make more profit (within reason, of course)? Most people have probably invested their superannuation funds in businesses that have outsourced, downsized, cut staff, moved overseas, installed computers to replace humans, and so forth. No one wants to see their investments go downhill, yet few people would pay the real prices for goods and services if companies did not do some of these things. What's a business supposed to do? And since their profits benefit investors (including superannuation funds) not many people are "innocent" when jobs disappear.

    Back to the self-checkouts - I’ll still use them when I travel down under. I like them!

    Please don't shoot me ...

    Mu in HK

    1. I would never shoot you Mu!!!! How could I do that to my big sister??? LOL I guess what worries me the most is the potential job losses, and then what do you do with all these now unemployed people.
      Thanks for your comment

  4. how true!!!

    we are already being manipulated by the supermarkets in so many other ways...this adds to the list!


    Consumers beware and be active!


    1. Thanks Sal,
      The two big ones, Coles and Woolies, are just too powerful, but go independent, as in IGA, and you certainly pay more for the privilege!
